Friday, April 27, 2012

International Food Festival

It's nice surrounded by international friends during international food festival. 

I was joining the thai group, and I am the only non thai people.
Our menu will be:
Thai chicken green curry $30NT
Roti Prata                         $15
Tom Yam Soup               $30
Thai Ice Tea                    $10

We need to make it ourself, and each of group get $1,000NT for free. 
We have more than 12 groups that serve main dishes and 4 groups for dessert.

The preparation was not easy since we need to cook at someone's house.  Majority of us are living at the dorm with no kitchen.  We found out that the kitchen had no light and very limited space to move around.  Many stuff in the kitchen with small and packed refrigerator. The worse part, it's hella messy and dirty.

It took all afternoon preparation from cutting, chopping and cooking.  I left around 11:15 pm since I was the only one living at different dorm. 

We arrived school on Friday morning around 8:30 am and hoping everything will turn out well.  Guess what! what's a day, our mentor teacher did not give us any direction what and what.  We are on our own! yes, we are experts so just DO IT!

Our food was sell very well and very fast, within an hour we were finished.  And by the time are done and ready to go to different classes to buy food, their food was gone too.
Did we prepare too little or people really to try since our dishes are so delicious and cheap.

All of us were dam tired.  It was a great experience and all of us make around $400NT

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